Timing Belt
Our Timing Belt display, the first and most successful model we have produced, is a life-like display showing all the working components in a timing belt system.
With our brake display you can literally do a brake job in front of the customer by taking apart certain components in order to explain how they actually work.
Spark Plugs
The Spark Plug display is a model that features new and used spark plugs for easy in demonstrating indicators that necessitate changing them.
Tire Pressure
Our sensor display will demonstrate how the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) measures tire pressure using the spatial gap between the sensor and the wheel.
Air Conditioning
This display provides a sense of how the high temperatures and liquid side of the A/C system work and how leaks develop.
Cabin Air Filter
The Cabin Air Filter display is a rotating model that features two pockets to house a used air filter and a new air filter.